Posts Tagged ‘Connecticut fatal accident attorney’

A fatal auto accident in Connecticut can turn a family upside down

Fatal auto accidents in Connecticut sadly happen far too often. Some of the nation’s busiest highways, including Interstate 95, pass right through Connecticut. Just recently, three people died in auto accidents on Thanksgiving weekend in Connecticut.

What would your family do if you lost a loved one in a fatal auto accident? How would you pay your bills? What if your insurance company refused to cooperate? You need a hard-working Connecticut fatal accident attorney in your corner. You need the Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone & Morelli. Serving clients throughout Connecticut, our experienced Hartford fatal auto accident attorneys work tirelessly for people to get them the compensation they rightfully deserve. We understand how to investigate accidents. We know what information to look for to build a solid case. We believe the needs of a client should always come first. No exceptions, no excuses!

So many factors can contribute to a fatal auto accident. Was the driver drunk? Were they distracted by a cell phone? Were they asleep at the wheel? Was it a hit-and-run accident?

Whatever the reason, the financial impact of a fatal auto accident can be devastating on Connecticut families. A recent startling study revealed the shocking price tag of an auto accident. In 2009, the cost of a single motor vehicle fatality exceeded $6 million nationwide, according to federal accident data analyzed by AAA. That figure is 85 percent – or $2.76 million – higher compared to 2005, when the estimated cost of a single motor vehicle fatality was $3.24 million.

In 2009, there were 223 fatal auto accidents in Connecticut, according to government accident statistics. That’s a potential lost of more than $1.3 billion for Connecticut families based on the study done by AAA.

Don’t settle for second best. Put your family in the driver’s seat. Contact a Connecticut fatal auto accident attorney who puts people first. Contact the Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone & Morelli.